Before Electrolysis Treatment Suggestions (Part 1)

New York Electrolysis Association Membership Meeting
April 28, 2015
After Electrolysis Treatment Suggestions
May 29, 2015
New York Electrolysis Association Membership Meeting
April 28, 2015
After Electrolysis Treatment Suggestions
May 29, 2015

Before Electrolysis Treatment Suggestions.There are certain things one can do, before and after electrolysis, to have a more comfortable and efficient electrolysis treatment. It is our duty as professionals to educate ourselves and our clientele by providing tips and suggestions to better achieve their goal.
Before treatment:

* Try to have a good night sleep.

*Drink plenty of water the day before, the day of and the day after the treatment. Dehydrated follicles are more difficult to treat. Hydration will also help your skin heal more quickly.

*No caffeine, sodas or caffeinated drink…better yet have a cup of chamomile or herbal tea.

*A balanced meal, will condition the body endurance to a more relaxing experience.

* Moisturize the areas to be treated topically in the morning before your appointment as per your regular skin care routine.

*In a woman’s cycle, hormonal factors play a role in her perception of pain – they might be more sensitive before or after their menstruation cycle- generally speaking, we recommend avoiding treatments at this time if you can.

*Find the time of day that works best for you… everyone is different.

* Eliminate as much stress as possible on the day of the appointment.

*Many clients find that taking their favorite pain reliever 30 minutes prior to their appointment makes their treatment more comfortable.

* Do not use Retin A, Tazorac or any serious retinoid for at least 1 week prior to your electrolysis treatment. Discontinue Accutane for at least 6 months prior to electrolysis.

*Coming to the rescue – EMLA (Eutectic Mixture of Local Anesthetics) topical cream -can be used prior to most skin treatments. It has been approved in the US for more than 15 years and is delivered by prescription only.

*Shaving 5-7 days before a treatment appointment, tweezing/waxing and other temporary hair removal treatments around 2-3 weeks before an appointment are okay. However, once electrolysis treatments have begun other treatments should be discontinued.

Most importantly, RELAX! – Breathe and enjoy the fact that you are becoming hair free permanently. You’re blessed to be receiving treatment from the finest equipment available – Exhale!

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