Why do women experience more facial hair growth as they get older.

2018 Annual Meeting
December 19, 2018
Large Area Electrolysis Hair Removal Sessions
May 7, 2019
2018 Annual Meeting
December 19, 2018
Large Area Electrolysis Hair Removal Sessions
May 7, 2019

Heredity, hormonal changes, various medical conditions and some medications can play a great role in the amount of hair one has. Our focus on hair growth begins at puberty and continues throughout most of our lives.

In our culture and society, women regard smooth skin highly. Any hair growth particularly in highly visible areas, is a concern, and getting older brings an increase in the amount of facial hair for many women.

The shift in hormones is primarily responsible for this new hair growth in the face and neck area… and that happens as women start to go through menopause. Menopause is a milestone marking your last menstrual period and the transition from the reproductive to the non reproductive stage.

For some women this is a smooth transition, for others it creates both physiological and psychological discomfort. The ups and down that mark a gradual decrease in estrogen and progesterone production, produce the most noticeable symptoms of menopause. When estrogen predominates, a woman’s face typically has vellus hair –fine, short and almost invisible like ‘peach fuzz’.

However, as menopause approaches and estrogen levels drop, there’s an increase of DHT (Dihydrotestosterone- the key hormone that controls the type of hair on your face) in the hair follicle. It’s at this point that many women begin to see extra hair growth in places they’ve never seen them before – chin, jaw line, cheeks. The growth of facial hair at this time is the result of an imbalance of male and female hormones; the brain still keeps sending messages to the ovaries which can not respond.

While hair growth can be a bit annoying, it can also be treated.

Electrolysis – Safe, Permanent hair removal – can reveal the full extent of your beauty. It requires a few treatments but you will be permanently hair free once the treatment is done. It works on every area, every type of hair and color skin. Without question, you will love the smooth, healthy look you can achieve with permanent hair removal.

At Hairless NYC Clinic we are familiar and know how to help you treat permanently the possible new hair growth that you might face during this phase of your life. It is also important to talk to your physician who might want to recommend hormone replacement therapy in addition to/ besides electrolysis.



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