The Consistency of Follow up Treatments

The Effect of Androgens on the Hair Follicle…
October 10, 2014
Believe in Permanent Hair Removal
October 10, 2014
The Effect of Androgens on the Hair Follicle…
October 10, 2014
Believe in Permanent Hair Removal
October 10, 2014

Today Zoe (not real name) walks in – Happy! It is summer after all, sticky and humid, but also full of sunshine – a lovely weekend has begun.Immediately, she notices the fresh smell of lavender essential oil (from Provence) diffused in the air and her big smile widens as she acknowledges her surroundings – as if to say – I love being here!

We have made a good start on her bikini and thighs as of last autumn, but like a true New Yorker, she has a very busy schedule.  As we proceed with the sessions, I notice and comment on her clean and smooth under arms, Zoe says, “This is the best thing I could have done to myself; remember how bushy they used to be?” Of course I do, when was your last treatment here?” “This is it, (as she strokes them to better remember the smoothness of them) since the last time with you a year ago” WOW! I am very impressed, you are the fastest results I have ever had! To which she replies, “I only wish I could have those consistent sessions today – I would be finished with my bikini project by now!”

At your Consultation/Evaluation, we cannot emphasize enough the consistency of follow up treatments – it is imperative to PERMANENCY – The objective – The goal – The resolution to “I wish it ALL would disappear!”

“To succeed, we must first believe that we can.”

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