November 25, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving is a great way to celebrate what we are most thankful for; our family, our friends, our health , every good thing big or little […]
December 17, 2014

Sterilization and its importance

At Hairless NYC Clinic, hygiene is always of utmost importance, for the customer and our technicians alike. Our clinic follows the American Electrology Association’s (AEA) Infection […]
January 7, 2015

Hair growth as a result of stress

Emotional stress can have a varied effect on hair growth. There can be both loss of hair and growth of excess hair depending on numerous factors […]
January 26, 2015

Menopause and Electrolysis

Menopause is an event common to all women. It is a milestone marking your last menstrual period and the transition from the reproductive to the non […]